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Unraveling Self-Worth: Discovering the Key Ingredient to Our Personal Freedom and Success

When I was first starting to build my coaching and healing practice, as much as I felt excited, I also felt really overwhelmed, scared, and vulnerable.

Newly graduated from an intensive, 3-year, Master’s program in Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, (yes, that’s actually listed on my diploma) I had tremendous confidence in my skills, level of experience and capacity to work adeptly with others.

Even with all of my extensive training, I was never given a roadmap to know how to build a successful business.

The idea of putting myself out there and creating a practice from the ground up felt daunting.

In the early stage of my business, I felt paralyzed by everything I had to do.

I had a clear vision and knew I could make an impact in other people’s lives, but I wished that somehow new clients would magically appear without me having to be visible. 

Whenever I would sit down to write an email campaign, marketing or blog post, my mind would go blank. Even talking to other people about what I did felt like a struggle.

I felt creatively blocked and like it was a challenge to articulate my thoughts and even access my gifts.

Anxiety and stress became familiar companions, and I felt constricted in my breath and body.

Where was all this resistance coming from?

Why did it feel so hard?

Intuitively, I knew that the answer I was looking for wasn’t going to come from outside of myself.

With deeper inquiry, I was able to discover that my inability to move forward was rooted in my self-worth. 

Somewhere, deep down inside, I felt like I wasn’t worthy and that I had nothing of value to offer.

I questioned, “who was I to teach and lead others?

Who was I to be a healer and coach, if I was still in the midst of my healing process?

What if I was a complete and utter failure?

What if I couldn’t help my clients transform in the way that I most yearned to?”

Does any of this sound familiar? 

With awareness and support from my mentor, I was able to begin to safely unravel the programming and beliefs keeping me trapped within cycles of shame, unworthiness, and fear.

I learned how to cultivate a deeper relationship with my inner child, the young one within that felt vulnerable and afraid of being seen.

I learned to recognize that the voices of shame, fear, and self-criticism, were all at their base trying to protect me from danger or annihilation.

I cultivated my practice of turning towards the parts of myself that were in pain and gave myself love and compassion.

I began to really listen to my bodies’ needs and practice self-nourishment rather than self-punishment.

I discovered that the marketing that I found to be so uncomfortable was really about being my authentic self and expressing my truth.

I chose to fully commit to showing up and pursuing what set my soul on fire, no matter how scary and uncertain it felt. 

I am not sharing this with you because I want you to feel bad for me. 

I am sharing this with you because I know how hard it is to be at a transitional crossroads and know that there is no going back.

I am intimately familiar with the discomfort of knowing things have to change and not having any idea where to start.

I also have seen what happens in my own life and in my client’s lives when they wholly commit to the path they know they are meant to walk.

My fierce dedication and commitment paid off.

As I learned to honor myself and live in alignment with my authentic truth, I started to attract amazing clients that sincerely needed the wisdom that I had to offer.

As I became more in tune with my purpose and owned my gifts and wisdom, my clients were able to see themselves more clearly and naturally unlock and embody their innate brilliance. 

My capacity to guide my clients and help them skillfully navigate through their process of awakening and transformation became amplified when I learned to reside in a deeper space of self-trust and connection. 

When we learn how to embody and anchor into the boundless well of our inner truth and awareness, we become a beacon of deeper remembrance, reminding our clients, friends, and loved ones of the majesty of their true nature and unique brilliance.  

The individuals that I’ve worked with have created tremendous shifts in their personal lives and relationships; cultivating a higher degree of love, connection, and intimacy.

They were able to end and sometimes even transform toxic relationships that weren’t in their highest service.

They developed a greater sensitivity to their energetic boundaries and learned how to communicate their needs, desires, and truths more skillfully.

They became more abundant and attracted lucrative jobs that were more aligned with their skills and passions.

They learned how to become attuned to their own pleasure and nourishment so they could live in a state of natural fullness and radiance, rather than live in scarcity and deficit.

They discovered how to deeply listen to their own intuitive wisdom and align with the actions and choices that would forge the reality they most desired to create.

I’ve had the great privilege to work with numerous brilliant women (and a few amazing men) who each had a calling to illuminate and transform their narratives of unworthiness, fear, pain, and shame, and follow their soul’s highest calling.

I have a few spaces open for private transformational coaching and intuitive mentorship work.

If you are interested in exploring more, schedule a spot here in my calendar and we can set up a time to connect!

In gratitude,


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