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What parts of yourself do you keep hidden because you fear that if someone truly saw you in your naked truthfulness, they wouldn’t love you?

What parts of yourself do you keep hidden because you fear that if someone truly saw you in your naked truthfulness, they wouldn't love you? 1

Have you told yourself that your sadness, grief, anger, and pain are yours and only yours to bear alone?

There is a specific practice of allowing our hurt to work us in such a way that we become cracked open to a greater depth of vulnerability.

In this place, we don’t turn away but turn towards.

We often crave this intimacy that comes with being seen, and yet when given the opportunity to fully feel ourselves and allow ourselves to be felt, we insulate and contract.

This insulation and contraction are wise and self-protective.

And yet, when we become consistently accustomed to muting our feelings and inner experience for fear that we won’t be received or accepted, we cut ourselves off from the nourishment we most long for.

True intimacy begins and ends with us being willing and available to be intimate with ourselves.

We lay the ground within first that then begins to translate outward.

Devotion to our inner work doesn’t have to be a lonely or isolated path.

We practice loving all parts of ourselves while opening ourselves to receive love from others.

Start where you are.

Go at the exact pace that feels good for you.

Meet yourself in your depth and all of your dimensions with as much compassion, patience, permission, and love that is available.

Be amazed by how others and life itself will rise to meet you.

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slow down Experience
December 8 -12 @ 5:30pm- 6:30pm MST